As a young man in my 20s, life has thrown me quite the curve balls. But these days being 20 something is even more the adventure. I began this pivotal moment in my life with a global pandemic, rising inflation rates, and a climate of uncertainty never seen before.
Will the confusion ever end? Will I ever get the hang of things? Sometimes it's hard, but I go at it with a bit of grace. I've tried so many new things and have done so much. When I thought of myself at 22, as did many people, I thought of having it made.
However, I realize if I got all that I wanted, I wouldn't be as open minded to the new possibilities. It's almost as if not getting everything that you want forces you to explore everything that you could be. Comfort can yield complacency. But if you don't feel as comfortable, you don't have complacency.
Therefore, it brings you to the possibilities of exploring your deepest self. If I can't be a millionaire by being an A-list actor, I can maybe do it writing my own script. Don't be afraid to try.
What do you have to lose?